USB Port
For example, we have selected a random boost pressure in this
case of 20psi. bOn(Boost On) must be set to 20psi. Over boost
should be set to the maximum possible value to ensure it does
not interfere.
The USB port is accessed at the opposite end of the black box.
It is held on via a 2.5mm Allen key bolt once removed a USB
micro female connector is visible this is required to be accessed
to setup and configure the Black box.
CAN Bus Input
Can Bus information must be transmitted from an ECU to the
Black Box. This information is addressed in the datasheet for
specific address for Transmitted and Received data.
The CAN information required for the eGate to function correctly
at a minimum requires the Boost Control Duty Cycle to be
transmitted to the Black Box. As An example, here is the CAN
Address required for eGate 1 to Function
Connections Required
A15 - Can High
A16 - Can Low
Base Address 0x110 (272)
Byte 0,1 Area Target Egate 1 0-100.0% (0-1000)
The USB port must be fitted after tuning is done.
This address allows for the area position to be transmitted to the
Black box for the Black Box to target the correct position to
effectively use the CAN BUS, as much information as possible
should be used.
Control Options
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Input
CAN Bus Wiring
PWM is the standard for Boost Control solenoids, the Black Box
can use this frequency input as position input for the e-Gates.
The PWM inputs must be wired in correctly.
The CAN Bus is a network within a vehicle that allows for vast
amounts of information to be shared within each part of the
The Black Box accepts both high and low side inputs. The Rising
edge threshold is 1.65V and the falling edge threshold is 1.0V.
As long as the PWM signal alternatives across these values the
signal can be used.
CAN BUS Trunks should be no more than 500mm long
from the main trunk
The twisted wire should have one twist per 50mm
A terminating resistor must be placed on either end of
the Main harness trunk if more than 2m. Less than 2m
will only require one. (100Ω 0.25W Resistor)
Max Length is 16m long.
Note In some cases PWM input will be turned off if Over
boost is exceeded. This will result in the valve closing as the
PWM input is turned off (0%). Ensure that Boost Control is
set in such a way that the value is never set to OFF.
Frequency Recommended
Frequency Possible Range 25-100Hz
Connections Required
A23 - eGate 1 PWM input
A32 - eGate 2 PWM input
eBoost PWM Wire
Grey Wire
eBoost Auxiliary Wire
White Wire
% Duty Cycle
Gate Closed
Gate Open
100% Duty Cycle
eBoost PWM Hook-up
It is required to setup the eBoost to use the Auxiliary output to
disable the Black Box in the event of a boost level reaching over
the required level.
The OBS (Over boost) Feature must be set, but it must be set
greater than the Auxiliary output bOn. Failure to do so will see
the eBoost default to off and close the valve, resulting in higher
boost pressure. The bOn (Boost On Feature) White Wire will be
wired to the Enable switch voltage and disable the Valve in the
event of an over boosting.
The Auxiliary Output is located on the white wire from the eBoost
this must then terminate to the corresponding gate which is to be